Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Long Day

This has been a long day for the family. They are visiting Alex and loving one another. There isn't much change in his physical status and they are trying hard to support one another. Please continue to pray for peace and strength.

You will never know how much your words, cards, email, and letters have meant to the family. We will bring you up to date as soon as we know more.


Anonymous said...

It was a very somber day at Monroe Central. Just know that we love you all and are keeping you close to us in thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

We have been lifting you up in prayer as we can only imagine how difficult this day has been. We love you and are here to support each of you in any way you may need. May God give you strength in the time of this storm, stand for you when you think you can't stand any longer, and comfort you with his arms of love and mercy. Our hearts are very heavy for you and only wish we could do more to lift the burden you are carrying.

Anonymous said...

Dear Shaffers
Today was very hard on all of us at MCE. We held a prayer session for the family and we had alot of tears shed and a I only wish I could help you. You are being thought of so dearly right now by your MCE family.

With love

Anonymous said...

From one mother to another:
A child is a touch that bonds you for life, a smile that makes your heart soar
A child is pride and hope
A child is someone whose happiness becomes yours and whose pain is harder to take than your own
A child is laughter that lights up your life, tears that break your heart
A child is love that goes so deep it becomes part of your soul --Barbara Cage
Alex will always be a part of your soul - no one can take that away from you.
Love goes out to the entire Shaffer family.

Karen Lacy said...

All of us at school are so saddened to hear what you are going through. Please know that you are surrounded by our love and prayers.
Karen Lacy

Anonymous said...

We have been keeping Alex and his whole friends and family in our prayers. My husband, Scott Davis, works with Alex at Roberts Glass. Scott loves Alex like a little Bro - May God keep is precious hands on Alex and help everyone thru this rough time. God Bless you all.
Jill, Scott, Tanner and Morgan Davis